Last Date for Abstracts submission : August 28, 2023
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This Event Completed Successfully

This event completed successfully on 9th सितंबर 2023. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

National Conference on Medicinal Plants, Natural Products and Indian system of Medicine

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Co-Organizer of NCMP 2023: The Society for Conservation of Resource Development of Medicinal Plants  

In Collaboration with ICAR - Central Agroforesry Research Institute ( CAFRI), Ministry of Agricuture, Govt.of India, Jhansi, India


Scope of the Meeting

Medicinal and aromatic plants in many forms have been used since the ancient times in the traditional medicinal practices for health care. South Asia is home to many rich, traditional systems of medicine (TSM). Ayurvedic system dates back to 5000 B.C. Along with the Unani, Siddha and Tibetan systems, these TSMs remain important source of everyday health and livelihood for tens of millions of people.. According to WHO report, Medicinal plants are accessible, affordable and culturally appropriate sources of primary health care for more than 80%  of the world population relies on traditional medicine largely plant based for their primary healthcare needs. According to WHO, the international market of herbal products is estimated to be US $ 62 billion which is poised to grow to US $ 5 trillion by the year 2050? With increasing popular demand for medicinal plants, both in Asia and internationally, this trade is expected to grow to 5 trillion by the year 2050. Aromatic plants and their products particularly essential oils are becoming more important. Traditional medicine is, at the present time accepted as an alternative for or used in conjunction with the western medical practice in many countries.

The International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Drug Discovery is therefore being organized from September 8-9, 2023 at ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi-284003 (Uttar Pradesh). to provide a forum for the Research Scientists, traditional health practitioners, academicians, representatives from the medical and pharmaceutical industries, conservation biologists, biochemists, NGOs, policy makers, Farmers, Government agencies etc. to discuss, share the advanced information and experiences on MAP. Also, the scheduled meeting is very important for future research collaboration and networking between institutions particularly in the promotion and development of medicinal and aromatic plant sector for sustainable health promotional activities.

The theme of the conference will be  Recent Trends in Herbal Medicines in Health Care