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Paper submission




      “PESTSE 2014” invites Research scholars, Academicians, UG/PG students, and professionals from Industries to present their latest original contributed papers in the following areas and relevant topics. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: 



      • Energy Conservation
      • Energy Conversion Techniques
      • Fuel Cell Technology
      • Energy Storage Batteries and other Storage Devices
      • Future Energy Technologies
      • Recent Advances In Renewable Energy Generation & Conservation   (Wind, Solar, Tidal and Wave)
      • Advances in Green Energy
      • Energy Harvesting
      • Superconductivity Application in Power Engineering



      • Hybrid Power System
      • Custom Power Park
      • Smart Grid Technology & Applications
      • Power System Planning, Stability, Reliability and Security
      • Power System Design, Operation, Control, and Protection
      • Power Quality Issues
      • Power System Management & Related Issues
      • Energy Efficient & Power Saving Technology
      • Policies & Economics  Related to Power System
      • HVDC & FACTS Technologies
      • DSP Based Control Design for Power System
      • Application of Soft Computing Techniques in Power System Design & Management



      • Power Electronics & Electric Drives
      • Design, Analysis and Control of Electrical Machines and Drives
      • Electric / Hybrid Vehicles



      • Energy Management Systems & Economics
      • Energy Policies and Regulation
      • Optimization Techniques in Power Engineering


      Tutorials will be conducted by the experts from the relevant fields.


      To submit an entry to the project competition, please send an email to

      Submission closes on November 10, 2013.


      IC-IMPETUS invites undergraduate and masters students studying in Computer Science, Information Science, Electronics, Telecommunication, Instrumentation or Electrical Engineering to submit entries to the student project competition. The project has to take up and address using IT any challenge facing our society. Students are allowed to submit entries that implement concepts found in literature, as long as the application is novel. They are expected to demonstrate a working prototype at the competition. Raw ideas will not be accepted. 


      Guidelines for entering the competition

      The team is expected to comprise 2-4 students in their undergraduate or graduate level and can have a mentor from the academia or the industry. The entry to the contest would be through a 4-6 page write up describing the problem that has been taken up, the motivation behind this, a brief explanation of the system architecture with a section of how the system was tested. Entries that provide photographs or screen-shots (as applicable) of the system or a video of the working prototype will receive extra credit. Only the ten best entries will be selected for presentation at the conference. The project will be evaluated based on the novelty of the idea, engineering skill, difficulty level, extent of completion, potential for impact and elegance of presentation.


      Cash prizes

      The winning team will receive a cash prize of Rs. 15,000/- and the runner-up a prize of Rs. 10,000/- 




      For detailed guidelines and to submit your paper, please follow this link.

      Submission closes on Oct. 10, 2013.


      We invite papers on original work and innovations that have solved a challenge in the impact areas (agriculture, biomedicine and healthcare, education

      environment and energy, rural development, governance, administration and e-commerce, safety and security in the technical domains that include (but are not restricted to) the following –

      Audio and Speech Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Big data: Storage, Transmission and Mining, Biomedical Signal Processing and Forensics, Disaster Detection and Management Systems, e-commerce and e-business, Education and e-Learning, e-governance, Green computing, Healthcare Informatics, Human Computer Interaction and Interface, Machine Vision and Image Processing, Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation, Robotics, Mobile Computing, Wireless Communication, Adhoc and Sensor Networks, Wearable Sensors, Network Security and Embedded Systems




      Participants intending to present a paper (oral/poster) in the conference should send an abstract of about 300 words on or before 15th December 2013. Poster Presentation is only for student participants. (Poster size 100 x 90 cms) Acceptance of abstracts will be intimated by 22nd December 2013. Last date for submission of full paper and Registration is 10th January, 2014. Abstracts and full papers can be sent in MS Word attachment by email to


         The abstract has to be submitted in the Microsoft word format with title of the paper in 16pt, the Name and Address in 14 pt. and the main text in 12pt with double spacing, Times New Roman. The number of words in the abstract should not exceed maximum of 400 words and  can be uploaded in this conference site Call for Papers


         India is one of the leading Asian countries which vividly shows that more Market does not mean less government but different government. Different   models  of  co-existence  have  emerged  with  appropriate constitutional safeguards at both the central and state levels through the mechanism of policy making. The important goal is to create a faster and a sustainable economy with more inclusive growth. This goal is to be realized in a pluralistic Society. In general, the polity may have accepted that the principles of mixed economy are well suited to this Society. Within this broad consensus, there is one school of thought that strongly believes that the State must not row; it must just steer. There is another school, equally powerful, that argues that the State must not only steer but also row.



      After two decades of economic reforms, it is all the more necessary to look at the changing roles of the State and the Market, issues of Market imperfections  generated  in  the  course  of  State  interventions,  the potentials and limitations of PPP models, the utility of pro-poor institutions and the means and ways of generating inter-disciplinary perspectives that inform the policy decisions. There is a need to draw wisdom from different areas such as  economics, sociology, history, political science, ethics, commerce and management.

      To discuss these variegated ideas, JKSHIM is organizing a two-day National Conference on the theme: Market, State and Society in Emerging India with the sub-themes listed below:




      All abstracts for presentation as well as posters must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat before 25th October, 2013. Abstracts received after this date cannot be guaranteed for inclusion in the Abstract book. Authors are invited to submit their abstracts in duplicate for oral / poster presentation not exceeding 300 words including title, author(s) and affiliation. The name of the presenting author should be underlined. Abstracts of papers should be prepared using MS word, font size 12, Times New Roman, double line spacing and sent to the Organizing Secretary of the Congress.


      Oral Presentation

      If you intend to give an oral presentation, please provide a title of the paper on the registration form and submit the abstract of your paper as indicated above. The duration of an oral presentation is 15 minutes (12 mts. Presentation + 3 mts. discussion).



      We also invite poster presentation. The posters will be displayed on boards 120 x 120 cm. During the poster session a committee appointed by the organizers will judge all posters. Best three posters will be invited to give an oral presentation about their work during a special session and they will be awarded prizes.






      ICGPC 2014 invites papers in  the  categorized  broad  areas. Authors are

      encouraged to address topics of interest not limited to the following thrust areas:


      Papers are invited but not limited to the following topics:


      Green Power Generation


      Green power can be define as energy  form  indefinitely  available  resources  and  whose

      generation has ze  generation has zero or neglible environmental impacts, whether through reduced emissions

      or  minimal  environmental  disruption.  In  addition  to  being  sustainable,  green  power

      contributes to clean air and water. This  conference  is  aimed  at  research  academics  and

      practising engineers of electrical,  electronics  and  industrial  communites  to  present  their

      findings related to green power.


      1. Geothermal energy

      2. Hydraulic energy

      3. Hydrogen energy

      4. Solar energy

      5. Wind energy

      6. Soft computing for power reduction in networks

      7. Alternative and hybrid energy systems  7. Alternative and hybrid energy systems

      8. Electromagnetic compatibility and mitigation of electromagnetic interferences

      9. Electricity Production, Distribution and Power Quality

      10. Environmentally friendly energy technologies

      11. Fossil Fuels Green power production and cogeneration

      12. Advanced metering infrastructure and smart meter technologies

      13. Smart grid system and architecture

      14. Mic 14. Micro and macro grids


      Green Communication


      The information and communication technologies are the sectors with the highest potential

      to reduce the  growing  worldwide  electricity  consumption,  if  appropriate  measures are

      taken in a timely manner. Also, it increases the  green  house  gas  emission,  which  lead  to

      pollution during the production and disposal process. To reduce such environmental problems

      and  to  create  a  sustainaible  environment, new  power  reduction  modals,  algorithms,

      methodologies, platforms, tools and systems are to be discussed. methodologies, platforms, tools and systems are to be discussed.


      1. Energy efficiency in wireless networks

      2. Energy efficiency in vehicular networks

      3. Energy efficiency in secure networks

      4. Green transmission technologies and network protocols

      5. Green optical communications, switching and networking

      6. Use of cognitive principles to reduce energy and/or resource consumption in wireline or wireless networks

      7. Low cost, energy-efficient antenna and RF designs

      8. Green sustainable storage and cloud computing

      9. Mitigation of electromagnetic pollution

      10. Communication technologies for industrial processes   

      11. Communication technologies for green buildings

      12. Communication technologies for energy harvesting

      13. Modelling and analysis for green communications and computing


      Track: Write-Up

      Companies / sponsors can submit a Write-Up of up to 250 words on benefits derived from implementing COBIT 5 /Lean IT/ Agile PM / Change Management/ other frameworks from APMG Portfolio – will be included in the event kit.
