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Paper submission

      ICAET'15 invites original research contributions on the following topics from researchers, academicians, practicing engineers and industrialists across the world. Manuscript not exceeding 6 pages as per the IEEE two-column journal format shall be submitted. The electronics submission of manuscript (in PDF/docx format)should be done through the conference website.


      Selected papers will be published in the SCOPUS Index,Anna University Annexure II IJAER Journal

       ICCSIT  is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Computer Science & Information Technology. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:   

      Main topics:
      (1) Computer science theory and technology.
      (2) The application of computer science in various fields of theory and practice.
      (3) The mathematical theory and technology.
      (4) Mathematics in education theory and practice.
      (5) All kinds of fields in the management of mathematical theory and practice.
      (6) Physical theory and technology.
      (7) Physical in education theory and practice.
      (8) Physics theory and practice of management in various areas.
      (9) Computer science and mathematics, physics parallel application and management.
      (10)Electrical engineering
      (11)Electronics Engineering
      (12)Communication Engineering


      AEEICB-2016 invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that demonstrates current research in all areas of Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-informatics.Topics of Interest include but are not limited to the given topics.


      Interested candidates are invited to submit research abstracts for oral presentation (one A4 size) on the theme/ sub theme. Best research papers will be awarded. 






