ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION DUE DATE IS EXTENDED UPTO OCTOBER 15th , 2014. Please avail this last... మరిన్ని
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This Event Completed Successfully

This event completed successfully on 22nd నవ 2014. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.


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About the Conference


The main objective of the International Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences (ICAPS) is to showcase advances in botanical research and conservation of plants across the globe.  There is an unprecedented development in every field of plant science in recent years because of rapid progress made in the areas of molecular biology in general and genomics and proteomics in particular.


The skills and knowledge of botanist’s are needed worldwide helping farmers to produce crops and conservation of natural flora and fauna. There is an urgent need to understand the life cycle of several endangered plant species so as to frame suitable strategies to save them before extinction. The green plants are important as they provide food, shelter, medicine, pure oxygen for life, cleaner environment and everything man needed for survival.


The scheduled conference is being organized by V Sivaram Research Foundation in association with Century Foundation, Bangalore and University of Technology Mara, Sarawak with the support from several government and Non-governmental organizations. The aim of the conference is to bring together the International scientific community to exchange information on the recent advances in plant biology . 


Organized by 





Supported by



Organized by
VSRF and Century Foundation
Co Organizer
Universiti Teknologi MARA,Malaysia
Supported by
Sarawak Convention Bureau,Malaysia


Organized by
VSRF and Century Foundation
Co Organizer
Universiti Teknologi MARA,Malaysia
Supported by
Sarawak Convention Bureau,Malaysia